Finding Identity Theft Information

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Finding Identity Theft Information

Becoming the victim of identity theft fraud is highly traumatic. Victims must spend extensive time and money correcting their credit reports and proving that fraudulent accounts do not belong to them. The process of removing identity theft information from your records can take months or years.

One of the best ways to protect yourself from this possibility is to regularly examine your credit report to look for identity theft information. You are entitled to a free credit report once a year from each of the three credit reporting bureaus. Check these reports every year to make sure that there are no entries on your credit record that do not belong. If you see accounts that you did not sign up for, you may be the victim of identity theft fraud. Also ensure that you are getting monthly statements for any accounts that you know you have. If you are not getting statements, make sure that they are not being mailed to a different address. If they are, this could be another sign of identity theft fraud.

Regular vigilance of your financial records for identity theft information can help protect you from identity theft fraud.



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